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Sponsor-Wendy Bouwhuis

1999 the Orillia Curling Club was back. I had no idea what the excitement was all about. Never played the sport nor watched it. Orillia Park & Rec offered a learn to curl  so a friend and I registered. And I became a curler. Fast forward a few years. The club was offering members a weekend learn to coach program. All they asked in return was a little of your time to help instruct. I thought what a great way to improve my curling and get a little involved . For me that was the beginning .
Every year I enjoyed taking on different challenges( jobs). I convened the Business Women Spiel for a couple years. Though my business contacts I was able to source a very generouse sponsor . That helped to keep the cost down and some great cash prizes.I sat on the board and convened the Friday night mix league. Even though my computer skills are not the best all the members bared with me. Having a small business gave me the opportunity to contribute to bonspiels, golf tournament and other social events.. I was always amazed the more I gave to the members the more the members gave back to my business. I will say the conversation in my chair is a lot of curling chatter.
One of my favourite parts of curling is sitting around our round tables after the game. I have a learnt a lot and have meant some wonderful people who I know call good friends. That is also where I seem to say “yes” to different jobs . ( might be the wine ) 
Not sure how I ended up looking after our curling roster. Back in the olden days when it was printed. I knew the club didn’t make money off the advertising on the walls and we needed to make some money . I offered business advertising space In the roster. Again members and other businesses were glad to help. This also gave me the opportunity to get and meet more members and other business in the city. Again they got to know my name and my business.
Though life's  up and down, business and personal the club and its members ( my friends ) have always been there for me. Twenty-two years later you won't see me on the ice 4 or 5 times a week.I'm not as  involved but I’m still helping with the learn to curl.  
After 42 years in business its time to slow down and smell the roses.I cherish my clientele I have built through the years and will continue to work with them until I hang up the scissors and blowdryer but I’m not there yet .The first for my business is I’m not taking new clients.
I am grateful for the role the Orillia Curling Club has played building my business and my social network. You will see myself and husband John on friday night . BTW I met him at the club but that another story . I hope new and returning member get involved and enjoy the Orilla Curling Club as much as I do.

See you on the ice 
Wendy Lou Bouwhuis
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Our Location

Barnfield Point Recreation Centre
500 Atherley Rd.
Orillia, ON



Contact Us

The Orillia Curling Club
200 Memorial Ave, Unit #3
Box# 313
Orillia, ON  L3V 5X6
[email protected]

*Note: There are no offices or
employees at the club

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About The Club

Founded in 1873, the Orillia Curling Club  includes six sheets of professionally maintained ice, a full service lounge with viewing area, change rooms with locker space and shower facilities. We welcome all skill levels to come out and enjoy curling. 

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