Tentative League Offerings for 2023-24. Confirmation is pending.
We offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re 8, 98 or somewhere in-between, the Orillia Curling Club is sure to have a league suitable for you.
Monday Morning 9:30am - 50+ Senior Men Tag
This social league is a tag draw format. Each member will put their name on the designated board under the position they wish to play. The committee may adjust the names to fill the curling sheets.
Dave Madigan
Senior Men Convenor
Monday Afternoon 12:30pm - Mixed Tag
Monday and Wednesday mixed TAG leagues, convened by Ken Schamehorn and Sandy Furzecott; Friday mixed TAG league, convened by Bill and Bonnie Baker.
- There are no “fixed” teams, so if you cannot participate for any reason, you don’t have to worry about arranging for a spare.
- With the teams arranged randomly, you can be playing with different people each week.
- While everyone wants to play their best game possible, this is a relaxed, non-competitive league, where anyone can enjoy the great game of curling at their own level, without pressure.
Intermediate level curlers can occasionally be “promoted” to positions a little beyond their comfort level, which is also part of the learning process.
For senior curlers, it is a way to simply relax and enjoy the game without pressure.
Monday Afternoon 3:15pm/12:30 - CYO
This is a “Choose Your Own” league sponsored by KRS Crane Ltd., We play on Mondays at 3:15pm and 12:30pm
A competitive, but social choose your own league. Up to fourteen (16) mens’, mixed and womens’ teams play in a round robin format with playoffs at end of season.
Register as a team, or individually, as an interested player or spare (indicate position)
Contact Convener Derek Cox if you are interested in Skipping your own team.
[email protected] 416-249-6839
Monday Night Doubles-6:30 pm Sponsored by Wes Brennan
Doubles is a fairly new experience. Open to both Men and Women
Teams can be the same gender or mixed and all skill levels are welcome since this is a great way to improve your skills.
At the time of registration closes, depending on registration demand, the Convenor will determine if late games are required. Typically, 1 or 2 teams overflow may receive a bye. Otherwise, a late game may be required.
Tuesday 9:30am - Day Ladies
The Day Ladies is a very social league comprised of all levels of curlers from beginners to
experienced. No matter what your level of expertise we welcome you to join us. Those with
little or no experience will be mentored by their teammates. We want everyone to feel
comfortable both on and off the ice. Our league is fortunate to have Delaine Payton as a
member who will offer and demonstrate tips for improving your game.
We curl on Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings at 9:30 am. We do have specific teams for
the Fall Draw and different teams for the Winter Draw. These teams are made up from a
random draw from the hat after registration is received. All players are expected to be
present for each game. If, for some reason they are unable to be present, it is their
responsibility to find a spare from the List of Spares provide with contact numbers.
There are generally enough spares for each position to fill this need.
Our League has 2 organized bonspiels throughout the year. These are “Fun” events, and
although there are prizes, there is no pressure whatsoever. They are tag draws so you do not
know which team you will be on till you get there. The surprise of seeking out your team over
refreshments prior to the game is part of the fun.
Christmas Bonspiel
This is usually held the week before Christmas on a Tuesday. Usually there is a Theme and
often there are costumes involved, if you choose, just for the fun of it.
The day starts with registration and morning refreshments followed by an 8 end game.
Lunch is then served followed by a 6 end game.
Prizes are awarded at the end of the day, which usually ends by 4:00 pm.
Closing Bonspiel
This is usually held the last week of curling on a Tuesday.
Its format is the same as the Christmas Bonspiel.
Day of Champions
This is an event held by the Orillia Curling Club on the Saturday during the last week of
curling for the season. All of the leagues participate in this event with their best teams.
The Day Ladies participate in this day by entering two teams to participate in a demonstration
game for bragging rights.
Day Ladies Convenor starting in the Fall Season of 2023 is:
Bev Brennan - email address: [email protected]
Day Ladies Draw Master starting in the Fall Season 2023 is:
Anne Collins – email address: [email protected]
We hope you will come out and join the Day Ladies League. It’s a wonderful
opportunity to make new friends, and enjoy the sport of curling.
Good Curling Ladies!
Tuesday Night Men's 6:30pm Sponsored by Steer & Stop
Any level of expertise is welcomed and mentored by teammates as necessary.
Teams are chosen for the Fall Draw and different teams for the Winter Draw.
At the time of registration closes, depending on registration demand, the Convenor will determine if late games are required. Typically, 1 or 2 teams overflow may receive a bye. Otherwise, a late game may be required.
Wednesday Morning 9:30am - 50+ Senior Men Tag
This social league is a tag draw format. Each member will put their name on the designated board under the position they wish to play. The committee may adjust the names to fill the curling sheets.
Dave Madigan
Senior Men Convenor
Wednesday Afternoon 1:00pm - Mixed Tag
Monday and Wednesday mixed TAG leagues, convened by Ken Schamehorn and Sandy Furzecott;
Friday mixed TAG league, convened by Bill and Bonnie Baker.
- There are no “fixed” teams, so if you cannot participate for any reason, you don’t have to worry about arranging for a spare.
- With the teams arranged randomly, you can be playing with different people each week.
- While everyone wants to play their best game possible, this is a relaxed, non-competitive league, where anyone can enjoy the great game of curling at their own level, without pressure.
Intermediate level curlers can occasionally be “promoted” to positions a little beyond their comfort level, which is also part of the learning process.
For senior curlers, it is a way to simply relax and enjoy the game without pressure.
Wednesday Night 6:30pm - Ladies
The League commences the curling season, by having a social at the club approximately one week prior to the first week of curling so that we can gather, get to know new members and draw teams. Any curlers not able to attend the social will be contacted by their team's skip so that they know who they will be curling with.
We have specific teams for the Fall Draw and we will draw new teams for the Winter Draw.
Since we have set teams, if a player can't make a game they can contact replacement (spare) curlers from a spare list that will be provided.
The top two teams from the Fall and Winter Draw will play off during the Day of Champions which has been a long standing tradition. It is held on the last Saturday of the Curling Season.
Our League has one organized bonspiel sometime in the new year. This is a fun "themed" event. More information will be provided during the season.
Our league finishes up the curling season with a Closing Banquet a week or so after the curling season ends. Dinner is followed by prize presentations sponsored by Town's Jewellers.
Summer Socials
Though the curling season ends every year, the Business Ladies continue to forge their relationships in the off season. About once a month a Summer Social event is hosted at someone’s home where games, swimming or other activities are enjoyed.
Thursday 9:30am- Day Ladies
The League commences the curling season, prior to the first day of curling with an Opening Dinner, held at the curling club. This is usually the week before we get out on the ice and is designed as a social event to meet with our curling ladies and get to know new members. Following this dinner the Skips for the Fall Draw will meet to draw their teams. As soon after as possible the curlers will be notified as to which team they are on and what position they will be playing.
We do have set teams for the draws and all players are expected to be present for each game. If they are unable to be present, it is their responsibility to find a spare from the List of Spares provide with contact numbers. There are usually enough spares for each position to fill this need.
Thursday Mixed Social 6:00pm & 8:30pm Sponsored by Sawatsky Chartered Professional Accountants
Thursday Mixed is focused mainly on the social aspect for all skill levels. It's a great time to meet new people and enjoy a great afternoon or evening on the ice.
This league will have 2 draws. One at 6:00pm, the other at 8:30pm. All efforts will be made to try and balance early and late games.
Friday Morning 9:30am - 50+ Senior Men Tag
This social league is a tag draw format. Each member will put their name on the designated board under the position they wish to play. The committee may adjust the names to fill the curling sheets.
Dave Madigan
Senior Men Convenor
Friday Afternoon 1:00pm - Mixed Tag
Monday and Wednesday mixed TAG leagues, convened by Ken Schamehorn and Sandy Furzecott;
Friday mixed TAG league, convened by Bill and Bonnie Baker.
- There are no “fixed” teams, so if you cannot participate for any reason, you don’t have to worry about arranging for a spare.
- With the teams arranged randomly, you can be playing with different people each week.
- While everyone wants to play their best game possible, this is a relaxed, non-competitive league, where anyone can enjoy the great game of curling at their own level, without pressure.
Intermediate level curlers can occasionally be “promoted” to positions a little beyond their comfort level, which is also part of the learning process.
For senior curlers, it is a way to simply relax and enjoy the game without pressure.
Friday 3:30pm - Special Olympics
Special Olympics Orillia Curling started in 2010. Our curlers have different skill levels and abilities, from recreational to competitive. Our coaches will teach curling etiquette, skills, and always finish practice with a fun game.
All special needs athletes who are ice capable are welcome to join our team.
For more information, contact Barb Horne at [email protected]

Friday Night Mixed Social- 6:30 pm
Friday Evening Mixed is one of our most popular leagues and a great way to end the work week. This draw is focused mainly on the social aspect for all skill levels. It's a great time to meet new people and enjoy a great night out.
At the time of registration closes, depending on registration demand, the Convenor will determine if late games are required. Typically, 1 or 2 teams overflow may receive a bye. Otherwise, a late game may be required.
The Breakfast Club-Mixed Tag Sunday 9:30am
This is a fun Mixed Tag draw. All abilities welcome. Teams will be randomly made up each week to allow curlers to meet new people.
Sunday Youth Curling 12:00pm

This is a fun league that allows youth to learn how to play the game and have fun on the ice. Smaller children use “little rocks” that are easier to push, while older children can use regular curling stones.
Each week begins with instruction from Orillia Curling Club coaches and playing a few ends of a curling game. Afterward, everyone meets for a cup of hot chocolate.
Children are welcome to try the first week for free! They must be registered on-line with payment and if they do not want to continue after curling the first week, then a full refund can be requested.
Loaner equipment is available including brooms and sliders.
The only thing you need to bring are, clean running shoes or similar rubber soled footwear, CSA approved helmet, warm gloves, and come dressed in warm layers and in pants that allow for easy movement.
The league runs on select Sundays from 12:00 to 2:00 pm starting October 22nd (approximately 6 Sundays in the Fall Session and 6 in the Winter Session). See "Club Calendar" under "Events" tab at orilliacurlingclub.ca.
Please register online at orilliacurlingclub.ca.
Cost: $91.53 includes HST
For more information about the Club and this league, please contact the club: [email protected]
Prior to Registration all Children, their Parents, or Guardians must review and be familiar with
Rowan’s Law: Concussion safety
Please review this information by following this link.
For more information about the Club and this league, please contact the club: [email protected]
Player's Card
The Player's Card allows the named user to curl in 11 games. These games can be either Tag draws or can be used to Spare in any league.
Upon arriving at the club, the Player's Card is to be presented to the Team Skip, or the League Convenor for validation.
Whether used in a Tag draw or as a Spare, it will require 1 available token.
The Player's Card is only useable by the named player on the card and is valid during the current curling season only
Should the Player's Card be lost or stolen, a replacement will NOT be provided.
The Player's Card has no cash value.
Unused tokens are not redeemable.